28. Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kouenmae Hashutsujo

Or Kochikame for short. Thankfully. God speed the Japanese obsession for concatenated abbreviations.

Kochikame is the old man of Shonen Jump with Osamu Akimoto's manga still running in the comic as it has since 1976. It's the story of Kanichi Ryotsu and his colleagues in the police station in front of Kameari Park in Katsushika ward. The anime started in 1996 (although it had a special made in the eighties),

Comipress (a great source of translated manga articles) has an interview with Akimoto about the recent 30th anniversary of the strip.

Naturally, a series as well known and respected as Kochi-kame is of course ignored nigh completely in the anglophone world. There's been a handful of manga chapters fan translated, but that's about your lot. It has been broadcast in Portugal, Spain and India however.