Akira Toriyama's other classic series.
Dr Slump follows the adventures of the titular inventor, Senbei Norimaki (Dr Slump being his nickname), his robot, shortsighted, superstrong, “sister” Arale and other inhabitants of their hometown, Penguin Village.
Now while being a series aimed at kids (and older), Dr Slump is rather more ribald and scatalogical than anglophone and particularly US audiences would expect. So to protect the delicate sensibilities of American children, Viz have kindly edited/neutered their release of the manga, much as they did with Toriyama's Dragonball Z. Though strangely not so much with the earlier Dragonball which shares a tone somewhat with Dr Slump and is a clear development from this earlier series.
Actually you have to wonder if Dr Slump would make the jump to TV in Japan unharried nowadays. Bobobo, a series that is a clear descendant of Slump in terms of tone and content, has been watered down in the transition from manga to TV.
Dr Slump has had two TV incarnations, the first running 1981-86, the second 1997-99. One episode, the first, was available digitally fansubbed, but it's fallen off the face of the internet now.