HATE FUN 2004! Smash Hit!

The second in the Doom That Came From m.o.e.

Remember Cos-Prayers? Well it turns out that it was just a TV show. Though a live action TV show, not a cartoon. Even though you just watched it and it was a cartoon. Anyway, this is also a cartoon, this time about about the TV executive producing the Cos-Prayers TV show.

Which is a fairly clever and ambitious idea on face value.

Except this is m.o.e. and a clever idea isn’t enough, so they make the TV executive look like a 10 year old BUT IT’S OK SHE’S SAID SHE WAS 25 M’LUD! And they also introduce the actresses “playing” the Cos-prayers, but forget to give some sort of get clause to their general underage-ness. It also introduces the scriptwriter on the show, who turns out to handily be a teenager too, in order for the next show in this trilogy to have its own “get out of jail” card too.

Dreadful “comedy” ensues.