Waxidermy – really fun and enthusiastic music site that reviews really obscure records.
The Hot Shots – home page of awesome Japanese rockabilly/country band The Hot Shots. You can get an MP3 of the first track of their Jubilee album on last year’s SXSW site.
Action – The Sevenpenny Nightmare – wonderful site detailing the history of the ill-fated Action comic. I was too young to have read it, but remember it being talked of reverentially in the pages of Comics International and by writers like Garth Ennis. As well as the history, the site is scanning and uploading each issue of the infamously violent comic.
While I didn’t ever read Action, I did read the comic it turned into, Battle Action, during it’s dying days. This was when the Action part had come to mean Action Force. Which brings us to:
Blood For The Baron – a website providing scans of all the UK Action Force (G.I. Joe to the Americans) comics printed in the Eighties. Both the IPC strips in Battle Action and the Marvel UK strips.
I Love Movies with Doug Benson – Comedy writer and stand-up, Doug Benson used to run this column on bobanddavid.com, called I Love Movies. It’s now a weekly podcast, where Doug and his celebrity guest chat about movies in front of live audience. It’s on handheldcomedy.com, so annoyingly you will have to register to get old episodes, but I think it’s worth it to hear all the archive material of this fun podcast.