A weapons designer believes he has created the world’s greatest assault rifles.
Golgo 13 proves him wrong. With bullets.
Again, this is one of those stories where Golgo does amazing things and people are amazed that he does. However, this is in the subsection of those stories where the people being amazed are fools, who thought they were better than Golgo 13, and that amazement is the last thought that goes through their head before a 5.56 mm bullet follows.
In this episode Golgo is hired to blow a tire on a Japanese rally car by a European car manufacturer, so he has the recurring ratfaced weapons engineer, who learnt is called Dave in episode 1, build him a new barrel for his M-16. However it’s a trap set up by a weapons designer, who has created a new scope that he believes will create the world’s greatest assault rifles. Using it against Golgo 13 will be the ultimate selling point, he believes. As you might expect, it doesn’t work out that well for him.
Is this the first story where G13 chooses to adopt the M16A2 as his favorite gun? I know it took something like eight years before Takao Saito gave him a trademark weapon.