These aired as part of WOWOW’s “Anime Complex” at the same time. And were created by the same animation studio. And were both about maids…
2001 was obviously the peak of the maid fetish.
Steel Angel Kurumi Type 2 is the sequel to 1999’s fetish whammy of MAID + ROBOT GIRLFRIEND + ALTERNATE HISTORY. Here the Alternate History was replaced by Lesbians.
Hanaukyo Maid Team was about an orphan being raised by an army of maids. Director Yasunori Ide was also responsible for one of the progenitors of the late night otaku-bait shows, 1987’s Lemon Angel.
So what of the animation studio responsible for these abominations? Master of Entertainment, or as they were more commonly known m.o.e.
They are responsible for some of the most truly calculating otaku pandering shows of the decade, including what maybe my least favourite anime show of all time. But more on that in 2002! Anyone complaining about the otaku-centric shows produced now needs to remember m.o.e. and remember how bad it has been. m.o.e. seem to have ground to halt in 2005, though their sub-site is still up on Pony Canyon’s site (their own site is DIAD).