The hate took a few days off, but now it’s back. The Hate is Back, baby!

Tales Of The Abyss
WHAT IS IT? A Videogame Adaptation!
NAMCO’s electronic game gets an anime. OH JOY.
Director Kenji Kodama’s done a lot of decent manga adaptations, but manga are more viable than electronic games as sources for anime. Or indeed any adaptation into moving pictures. Videogames just don’t adapt well. Can’t see this breaking that trend.

Gundam 00
WHAT IS IT? A sequel to a re-imagining of an original series!
Second season of Gundam 00
I’ve nothing against 00, but the first episode didn’t grab enough to make me want more. Obviously it grabbed enough people that we now have even more. Same staff as before, so no surprises on that front either.

Battle Spirits – Shounen Toppa Bashin
WHAT IS IT? A Trading Card Game adaptation!
You know what? Trading card games adapt better than videogames.
The problem with most videogame adaptations is that they get ideas above their station and forget that people tend to like them for the game rather than the game’s story.
That’s probably why Pokemon is the exception, it retains so much of its game mechanics within the actual anime and they are quite visible. This means there’s a lot more viewer identification with the show’s leads for anyone who has played the game – Ash is effectively playing the game on screen.
Trading card game anime are one step further and far more explicitly adverts for their games. This will probably be utter rubbish, and still be better than Tales Of The Abyss in terms of an adaptation.

Linebarrels of Iron
WHAT IS IT? A manga adaptation!
Linebarrels of Iron? Linebarrels of Shit more like!
Oh my where to begin. Directed by Pokemon’s Masamitsu Hidaka. Character Designs/Animation Direction by the master of ONE face, Hisashi Hirai (Gundam SEED), “creative producer” (whatever that might be) is Goro Taniguchi (Code Geass), it’s adapted from an ongoing manga and it’s a GONZO show.
This all adds up to the most avoidable show of the year!