We open with in-jokes as Kurama rejects various staff members as potential husbands, before she decides to go for the new boy at Tomobiki High – Ryuunosuke.

When the tengu eventually discover the problematic fact that Ryuu is actually a girl, they decide to use a Sex Change Cannon in order to correct this state of affairs.
Given these facts, you can probably safely predict the remainder of the episode.
If you had guessed that Ataru get’s shot by it, you are correct. The gag however is that he doesn’t immediately notice his body has changed, until people accidentally touch his chest. And that’s he’s basically drawn exactly the same, but with a bust.

When the cannon runs out of the shots, Ataru finds himself stuck as a girl overnight, leading to his mother wondering how he’d kept it from her for 17 years. The next day however the tengu have a new model delivered, and give it to Ryuu’s dad, who tries to hunt down his daughter. However Kurama beats him up thinking he’s trying to turn her would be groom into a girl.
Of course, she eventually learns the truth, declaring that it’s a shame Ryuu is a girl.
Lots of funny lines and a delightfully silly plot, all let down by some sloppy execution. This might be the worst looking Oshii episode, though notably he’s not storyboarding and it’s a new animation director.
Yes, that’s Toshiki Hirano (Vampire Princess Miyu) under the name Toshihiro Hirano acting as Animation Director on this episode.
Screenplay: Kazunori Ito
Storyboard: Takashi Anno
Director: Mamoru Oshii
Animation Director: Toshihiro Hirano