And now, 21 months after I actually bought them, I’ve finally finished watching the Funimation Lupin boxsets.
Here Lupin is chasing down a brooch that apparently will aid the possessor in ruling the world. The unique selling point is that Lupin dies. Of course that doesn’t stick, but they make it work well. In fact it’s one of the better written specials, fitting to a well worn formula, but full of fun scenes.
Animation-wise, it’s fair, nothing as glaringly bad as some of Columbus Files, but at the same time not dazzling either.
So how do they all compare overall? Here’s how I’d order them:
- Dead Or Alive (First Haul boxset)
- Farewell To Nostradamus (Final Haul boxset)
- Crisis In Tokyo (Final Haul boxset)
- Island of Assassins (Final Haul boxset)
- Dragon of Doom (First Haul boxset)
- Missed By A Dollar (Final Haul boxset)
- The Columbus Files (Final Haul boxset)
- The Pursuit of Harimao’s Treasure (First Haul boxset)
- The Secret of Twilight Gemini (First Haul boxset)
- Voyage To Danger (First Haul boxset)
Only Voyage To Danger was a bit of a stinker, but those top 4 are head and shoulders above the others. So that makes Final Haul the better boxset, but given the price, Dead Or Alive makes First Haul worth checking out too.
How much do the characters look like the animators might have seen a Monkey Punch drawing at some point in their lives?
Once again the gang look good, and yes, once again, Fujiko looks a little off with tiny button like eyes.
That carries over to the supporting cast, where the men look Monkey Punch-ish, but the women look like they’ve come over from another anime, looking almost AIC-esque in their designs.
How ludicrous are the capers?
This has some very nice set pieces, along with the rare appearance of a long con in the third act. Highlights include the opening auction scene, the escape via balloon, the literal crashing of a mob funeral and the sight of Jigen in a wig giving a speech to potential investors.
How much is Goemon involved in the story, rather than just a third act deus ex machina?
Very good use of Goemon, indeed everyone gets nice banter with each other due to the device of Lupin being dead and then seeing the other main characters interact without him there.