After last episode introduced us to Maka and Soul Eater Evans, this episode introduces us to Black Star and Tsubaki.
Black Star is an exaggerated parody of shonen manga ninjas, the central gag of the parody being pointing out how noisy these ninjas are. Which is a good gag to make, however, having that gag made repeatedly for 24 minutes grates a little. Tsubaki, well Tsubaki doesn’t have much of personality at the moment, just the sort of silent suffering straight man in this double act and occasional voice of wisdom.

Thankfully the level of animation and design at work continues to make up for any shortcomings in the story, as we get another episode full of great action when Black Star and Tsubaki go after the witch Angela, and clash with her self-appointed bodyguard Mifune. It’s not really any more complicated than that, these first 3 episodes are a self-admitted prologue to the main story, entirely aimed at introducing the characters.