Tim Maughan is trying to get people to share recipes over on his site today. As all my recipes involve production lines, HACCP plans or confectionery equipment I’ll never personally afford, in response I am finally launching Horrors of Animated Food Hygiene, an idea I’ve had in my head ever since seeing Yakitate Japan.
Today: Higepiyo Episode 28

Higepiyo is a 2009 anime about a bearded chick. Not just any bearded chick, but the last man in Japan with the heart of a samurai. In this episode, he drunkenly falls into a cake shop’s flour, and the shop’s staff debate whether they can use it. With the help of some very spurious logic, they decide it’s fine to use the flour. Because chicks come from eggs and cakes often contain eggs and alcohol. That’s some gloriously spurious logic right there.
Despite Higepiyo being upfront about the contamination, the cakes sell like they are hot.
There are no depictions of any negative health repurcusions in this anime caused by the sozzled hirsute avian contamination of the raw ingredients. In fact it suggests dipping hairy drunk yellow birds in your flour will increase your business.