“Nobody beats me, because I'm the Wiz! I'm the Wiz!”
And another game of Talisman is won. I lucked out and got the Wizard this time. Now despite always having at least one spell, he's not as good as you'd think. Getting his strength up is hard as hell. The game just gives the edge to gaining craft over strength through random rolls (balancing with the fact you get strength through Combat). So as a Wizard you are kind of reliant on items helping you. And these items are easily lost.
Of course Martin and Ian made the mistake of trying to gang up on me, so I was forced to go on the offensive myself and killed the pair of them in Psychic Combat. Still, not a speedy victory by any means. I'd say The Monk and The Troll are better for that.
“Oh… here's a fact. Uh, I'm… the Wiz! I'm the Wiz and noooobody beats me!”