Allow me to make your mind up for you, based only on websites, poorly translated staff lists on Anime News Network and the minimal research you’ve come to expect.

Casshern Sins
WHAT IS IT? A Remake!
Madhouse remake Tatsunoko’s cyborg superhero.
The production staff revealed so far look to be best described as stalwarts, but the trailer is rather promising with Yoshihiko Umakoshi’s character design looking modern, but not losing sight of the Yoshida/Amano original look of the character.

WHAT IS IT? A Novel Adaptation!
Yoshiki Tanaka’s novels get the anime treatment.
As much as I like LoGH, the excitement about Tytania seems to come from a place that isn’t related to being fans of animation. It feels more like sci-fi fan excitement for intelligent (read: wordy) science fiction. Still, Haruhiko Mikimoto character designs? That’s got to be worth something.

Hokuto no Ken Raoh Gaiden: Ten no Haoh
WHAT IS IT? A Manga Adaptation!
Fist of the North Star gets told from Raoh’s perspective in this new TV series.
Director Masashi Abe doesn’t seem to have much of note on his resume (though, coincidentally, he did do the Casshern OAV), but what the hell, it’s FotNS.

Michiko to Hatchin
WHAT IS IT? An Original Animation!
Manglobe’s latin-influenced excessively sassy buddy action show.
Sayo Yamamoto steps up to the plate for this stylish anime from Manglobe. The involvement of Shinichiro Watanabe will get this attention (he’s in charge of the music), but Yamamoto has been involved in some really idiosyncratic anime so this should be fun. This looks to be pretty much exactly what I want from animation.

Yozakura Quartet
WHAT IS IT? A Manga Adaptation!
Something about pale looking teens with superpowers it seems.
Kou Matsuo actually directs something that doesn’t involve dolls or characters who look like dolls! No real idea what the manga is about, but the staff seems to be Matsuo’s usual cohorts. I might actually check this as I think Matsuo’s a decent director who has just worked on shows with themes I just don’t care for and this might be significantly different enough for me to like.