This is going to get hideously geeky

So… that 52, eh?
We have a multiverse back, and we know the following:

  • Earth-17 – Earth of the Atomic Knights (and Kamandi???)
  • Earth-3 – Crime Syndicate Of America
  • Earth-5 – Fawcett Characters
  • Earth-10 – Freedom Fighters
  • Earth-50 – Wildstorm Universe
  • Earth-22 – Kingdom Come
  • Earth-2 – Earth 2 (i.e. Golden Age DC, plus Roy Thomas etc. extensions)
  • Earth-4 – Charlton Action Heroes
  • New Earth – Current DC Continuity

Here’s what I want to know:

  • Which Earth’s futures do the pre-Crisis LoSH, the post-Crisis LoSH, the post Zero Hour LoSH and the current LoSH take place in?
  • Is there an Earth that has a history resembling pre-Crisis continuity?
  • Is there an Earth that has a history resembling post Crisis Earth-1 continuity?
  • If The Authority have left the Wildstorm Universe to arrive on “our” Earth, is there an Earth Prime?
  • Is there an Earth-8 similar to the one seen in Infinite Crisis that is populated by only characters created post-Crisis?
  • Do we get Earth C (Captain Carrot)?
  • Does the Tangent universe get an Earth?
  • Does this mean Swamp Thing and John Constantine can appear in the DCU again now?
  • Will the temptation to put the All-Star books into some of these Earths be too great?

All in all I enjoyed 52, even if it was wildly uneven the endings to the stories were quite satisfying. And the execution of the return of the multiverse especially so. Alternate realities are fun, and are doing great business for Marvel (Zombies, Ultimates, Exiles, Marvel Adventures), and despite the Crisis being on Infinite Earths, there were never that many named to begin with.