While arguably atypical for Kid 606, this is the best work I’ve heard of his.
Essentially it’s the Kid 606 “mash-up” album. God I hate that term, I prefer the misleading “bootleg” moniker or the “bastard pop” one. Anyway, this is Kid 606 doing them there mash-ups, using various tracks and artists popular in the scene at the time. That time being 2002 and those artists being Eminem, Missy and 80s pop types.
It’s Kid 606’s usual arhythmical (is that a word?) breakbeats applied to the marrying of accapella tracks to a different song’s instrumentals. This is best seen in the tracks “Mp3 Killed the CD Star” & “Never Underestimate the Value of a Holler” which take tracks that had been overused in the bootleg scene at the time and does terrible and interesting things to them.
Also of note is final track “This Is Not My Statement”, a lengthy (13+ minutes!) destruction of Radiohead’s “Creep”. Which this clip isn’t. This is “Smack My Glitch Up”: