Five Awesome Links

Sumire, Age 17! – a review of what appears to be an odd and awesome and awesomely odd manga about a strange middle-aged ventriloquist who pretends his dummy is a 17 year old girl called Sumire. Apparantly there is a sequel, Sumire 16. Which you may be able to get fan translations of here.

Dave’s World – Home Of The Games Animal – Remember bandana’d, Dominik Diamond-mocked, talking head Dave Perry from Gamesmaster? Well here’s his website. Apparantly he is the GAMES ANIMAL! An object lesson in self-promotion.

Windows version of MB/GW’s HeroQuest boardgame – Remember when Games Workshop really tried to go mainstream with HeroQuest and Space Crusade? Well here’s one of those games as a Windows program.

Japan’s Anime Culture – A Foreign Press Center Japan briefing from Ryusuke Hikawa, the presenter of Anime Maestro. Talks about animation history, before discussing Mamoru Hosoda and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

Lucha Wiki – It’s a wiki all about people who have wrestled in Mexico at some time or other.